Technology Acceptance, digital serious games, validation, simulation mechanicResumo
In the discrete event simulation discipline, the student learns that the conceptual aspects of a system modeling to be simulated are essential for the success of a simulation project. As one of the initial steps, understanding simulation elements and their relationships, through simulation mechanics, allows a better absorption of abstract concepts related to simulation modeling and facilitates this understanding. The Three Phase Method, with representation based on the Activity Cycle Diagram (ACD), consists of a discrete event simulation mechanic, easy to assimilate. Thus, we present The ACD GAME 3D, a serious digital game with the objective of exploring cognitive aspects of discrete event simulation learning, based on the Three Phases Method, in a virtual board format. We analyze the validity of the game with the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). We observed that the students involved present considerable intention of using the game, being analyzed the behavior in the use, something explained, mainly, by the Perceived Utility. Thus, the game is useful for potentiating the studies according to the results found. In addition, the study demonstrated the potential in developing serious games to leverage the teaching-learning process.
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