educational, digital serious games, ndustral engineering, simulationResumo
This article on serious games addresses theories, taxonomies, and modeling in the field of research in education and psychology approaches, specifically, considering Bloom's taxonomy. In Brazil, this research path is fruitful. In this sense, this study contributes to the research stream about Production Engineering research, with an empirical analysis correlating education, the process of development, and the application of a serious game. Through a questionnaire created especially and applied in this study, we compare the cognitive and affective aspects present in Bloom's taxonomy. The results brought two contributions. The first concerns the cognitive aspects that identified a positive and significant influence in the teaching of manual simulation when used in the ACD game. The second contribution brings potential benefits for the development and application of serious games for educational purposes concerning the affective aspects in which it was identified that the ACD Game positively affected these benefits. These ones are potential for the development and application of serious games for educational purposes related to affective aspects.
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