Hanoi Tower, Bloom's Taxonomy, Principle of InductionResumo
This article is the result of a research on teaching the Principle of Finite Induction (PIF) using the Tower of Hanoi (TH) as a learning object, under the perspective of Bloom's Taxonomy (TB) developed with students from the Integrated Technical courses to Ifes High School - Campus Cariacica carried out by the Research Group Active Practices in the Teaching of Mathematics (GPPAEM). The application of this research had the participation of a high school student in the form of a monitor, helping researchers in their activities. Although there are research works that address the use of the Tower of Hanoi applied in the teaching of mathematics, there is a lack of studies on this theme supported by a learning theory. Motivated by the interest to fill this gap, the research was based on TB to identify the evolution of skills related to the learning of PIF using TH. The research was carried out through the collection and analysis of experimental data results of the students' game experience with HT through the application of a pre-test where the students had only the instruction of the PIF in a theoretical way in an ex-positive class and a post-test where the PIF instruction was mediated with the use of TH. The results showed that the difference between the results of the lecture and the classes using the Hanoi tower was 4.49% for the “remember” level, 7.82% for the “understand” level, and 9.52% to the “apply” level.
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