A qualitative approach on the consequences of climate change on health and social equity in Mozambique


  • Marisa Iva Abrao Malate GOBEIA Escola Superior de Negocios e Empreendedorismo de Chibuto da Universidade Eduardo Modlane



Mudanças climáticas; Saúde; Equidade social.


This research addresses the effects of cyclones Idai and Kenneth on the health and social equity of the populations of Mozambique. These populations suffered from these extreme weather events in 2019. Thus, this study used a qualitative approach, which involved an interpretation of social phenomena based on the meanings that the subjects attribute to them. For this, two data collection methods were used: bibliographic review and document analysis. The research used concepts and norms of social determinants of health and human rights and was based on data and sources from international organizations, such as UNICEF and ILO. The results of the research show that the cyclones caused damage to the physical, mental, and social health of the affected people, in a differentiated and unequal way, according to their sociocultural and territorial conditions, but also and in social terms some groups were more marginalized than others, because of the social and structural inequalities pre-existing in the country. It was also highlighted the need for health, public policies, and civil society to respond to the emergency and medium- term demands of the affected people, through the creation and strengthening of services, plans, strategies, partnerships and initiatives of humanitarian and solidarity assistance. The research also points out the challenges, limitations and lessons learned in the response to the cyclones, as well as the recommendations to increase the resilience and equity of the affected communities.


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Como Citar

GOBEIA, M. I. A. M. CYCLONES IDAI AND KENNETH : A qualitative approach on the consequences of climate change on health and social equity in Mozambique. RINTERPAP - Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas Aplicadas, Cariacica (ES), Brasil, v. 1, n. 1, p. 1–20, 2024. DOI: 10.47682/2675-6552.a2024v1n1p1-20. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 set. 2024.