
  • Eduarda Cunha de LA ROCQUE Instituto de Resseguros do Brasil - IRB (Re)
  • Eduardo Filgueiras FRANCO B-Think
  • Antônio Henrique Proença NITZSCHE B-Think



territorial development model, sustainability, governance, complex systems, public policies


This article proposes a new Territorial Development Model (TDM) aimed at the design and implementation of sustainable development projects. The model incorporates qualified listening mechanisms and alignment among stakeholders, offering a system of actionable and internationally comparable metrics. Additionally, the TDM structures effective governance to accelerate concrete results, overcome limitations imposed by political cycles, and ensure the legal certainty needed to attract public and private investments. The model aims to transform development dynamics, ensuring more effective, efficient, and impactful interventions. The methodology integrates the concepts of Jobs-to-be-Done, Design Thinking, Stakeholder Capitalism (World Economic Forum), and the Social Progress Index (Michael Porter).


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Como Citar

LA ROCQUE, E. C. de .; FRANCO, E. F.; NITZSCHE, A. H. P. MDT – A TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT MODEL. RINTERPAP - Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas Aplicadas, Cariacica (ES), Brasil, v. 1, n. 2, p. 1–20, 2024. DOI: 10.47682/26756552.v1i2.93. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 fev. 2025.