
  • João Pedro Guelfi de ALMEIDA FGV EAESP
  • Roseli Morena PORTO FGV EAESP



indústria criativa, gestão do audiovisual, competências, trajetória


Audiovisual production employs more than 40,000 workers in content development, broadcasting, and programming companies in Brazil. At the same time, digital distribution platforms are causing profound changes in the Brazilian market. When thinking about the scenario of competition with digital media, television companies review their strategies and the management of their resources, including the professionals who compose them. This article has two objectives: to study the audiovisual production industry through the analysis of a television network, while identifying recent changes; and to identify the skills needed by professionals who manage creative processes. The authors adopted a qualitative approach with data collection through in-depth interviews with five managers in the areas of journalism and entertainment from a television network. The results show that, with the democratization of content production, relationship skills become more relevant in the professional’s success than artistic and technical skills, evidencing the importance of behavioral skills. Furthermore, the authors also identified the importance of a professional trajectory with practical experience in the technical and artistic functions of executives who manage creative teams, allowing them to move between content production and marketing activities.


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Como Citar

ALMEIDA, J. P. G. de; PORTO, R. M.; AYRES, M. LIGHT, CAMERA....MANAGEMENT! : TRANSFORMATIONS, SKILLS AND TRAJECTORIES OF CREATIVE PROFESSIONALS IN THE AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCTION MARKET. RINTERPAP - Revista Interdisciplinar de Pesquisas Aplicadas, Cariacica (ES), Brasil, v. 1, n. 2, p. 48–70, 2024. DOI: 10.47682/26756552.v1i2.92. Disponível em: Acesso em: 9 fev. 2025.

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